Our Services

Our Services

Many businesses lack the necessary commercial, financial and management skills needed to grow and develop and thereby achieve their full potential. Up to 50% of start-ups fail within two years and 90% of businesses do not survive for more than 10 years. The risk of such a failure reduces significantly with sound business planning and management.

A business is much more likely to survive and be successful if it has experienced management input at an early stage and throughout its development. Getting the right level of management advice will help the business to focus on increasing revenues, profitability and effectively managing cash flow.   The business will be more sustainable and ultimately generate a higher exit value for its shareholders in the event of a sale or floatation.

However management comes at a price and for much of a business’s development it is not required on a full-time basis.  We look to provide the bridge in order for the business to obtain quality business management input throughout its early and mid stage growth and development.

Aspect Business Services

Planning, structure & process

Assistance in targeting what the business needs to achieve and how:
- Setting goals / budgets.
- Business plans
- Building organisational structures with clear and efficient processes.
- Supporting management and making people accountable.

Commercial input

Making sure the right commercial decisions are made within achievable timescales, enabling the business to take full advantage of its opportunities; whilst protecting wherever possible against any potential downside.
Finding solutions to long-term structural issues or simply recurring day-to-day problems.

Financial management, controls & reporting

Maximising revenue, keeping control over costs, managing working capital and optimising cash flows.
Always knowing how the business is performing, including customer and product profitability. 

Our Philosophy


Everything we do centers on providing inputs of the highest level of quality. We look to build long-term business relationships.


We pride ourselves on our efficient procedures and solutions, but we continually strive for improvement in order to deliver results more effectively.

Manageable fees

Fees are charged as a monthly retainer, based upon a pre-agreed scope of work and set of output objectives.
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